the twelfth camel

lecture performance, herbst academy 2014, steirischer herbst

>> become contagious symbiobot : reclaim the 12th camel
>> reclaim the twelfth camel

The twelfth camel is all at once, an image, a text and a program. The twelfth camel is a figure of thought, which oscillates between character, code and physicality. If you move closer, you notice readable ASCII characters that are part of a computer program, if you you go further away, you can see the picture of a camel. This camel is a special animal, a  “performance” camel, it can run (as a program) and tell a story. The story is about the twelfth camel, that in some ways was necessary to help to devide the fortune under the three sons of the sheike when he died, but even it also was not necessary, as they afterwards returned it healthy and well fed to the Khadi.

the ascii image executes itselfe as unix shell code. While executing it decrypts itselfe (base64, gunzip) in a loop (for-done) and tells (echo) the story of the 12. camel word by word (read).

I owe the story Niklas Luhmann (Die Rückgabe des Zwölften Kamels: Niklas Luhmann in der Diskussion über Gerechtigkeit ).

osx version: copy to mac-osx terminal and press “return”:

for camel in $(echo '
              H4sI        CK
            MhvE0AA     3RleHQu
            dHh0AG2S    MXLcMAxF
            e58CB9BoJs5MinSbIpM0         Kdyk
           5oqQiCwF7pCUFXU+hn09ny     Qf1GrdpK
          FmCAj//weelFL0tLKLNWx0Zp   8WUSqB5RJoza
         kyBSm0Sozk1JOXZ/Hs2+WYcl2  UO3IUXZ7QydlTG
       mlwM8eC+znp1FpryMxUkpaeTkOY2 Xe4Y+LouVQrd
dw     OHMyGkWF931XOW4UVIcHPkZrXtEgMtMmWcnKjp9
       igzG  Zo3m  5penpim0FGP9HcKEcX2vahCFw
       F2J  La95       pKkXPk95e3nn6lFf6kB
       vr0  eN++        mbDnUgR/WFh2ZTsQ0Z
       RqC  2rL         7ejL8RfW2k   of
       6/t  8H3            gs8th
       aR    493           5ycA
        F     WA           +Hl
        Zd    OY7          w0+
        pNP    fII2       MAHk
        DKE     HdmF     r7Ut 
        Y4QlQ   4uN3l    56cN 
|tr -d " "|base64 -D|gunzip);do read -sp "$camel " perform;done

linux version: copy to linux terminal:

for camel in $(echo '
              H4sI        CK
            MhvE0AA     3RleHQu
            dHh0AG2S    MXLcMAxF
            e58CB9BoJs5MinSbIpM0         Kdyk
           5oqQiCwF7pCUFXU+hn09ny     Qf1GrdpK
          FmCAj//weelFL0tLKLNWx0Zp   8WUSqB5RJoza
         kyBSm0Sozk1JOXZ/Hs2+WYcl2  UO3IUXZ7QydlTG
       mlwM8eC+znp1FpryMxUkpaeTkOY2 Xe4Y+LouVQrd
dw     OHMyGkWF931XOW4UVIcHPkZrXtEgMtMmWcnKjp9
       igzG  Zo3m  5penpim0FGP9HcKEcX2vahCFw
       F2J  La95       pKkXPk95e3nn6lFf6kB
       vr0  eN++        mbDnUgR/WFh2ZTsQ0Z
       RqC  2rL         7ejL8RfW2k   of
       6/t  8H3            gs8th
       aR    493           5ycA
        F     WA           +Hl
        Zd    OY7          w0+
        pNP    fII2       MAHk
        DKE     HdmF     r7Ut 
        Y4QlQ   4uN3l    56cN 
|tr -d " "|base64 -d|gunzip);do read -sp "$camel " perform;done

Was the 12-camel needed and why was it necessary? If it was necessary to divide, was it afterwards no longer necessary? Does there have to be supplied a real camel and must it be fed and how does the 12th differ from the other eleven camels? What does the telling” of the story? What are the consequences that these things that can Kamelogramm”, the behavior, the coding hardly be returned?
